Zoek je informatie over Polen, dan weet je het wel: Het dagelijkse nieuws begint op Polennieuws.nl!
Wie zijn wij?
Looking for information about Poland? You know it well:” The daily news begins at Polennieuws.nl!
Who are we?
We are an independent part of the Polenforum.nl group.
From april 2012 the Polenforum.nl team decided after some discussion, to bring the news into a separate website. That was why Polennieuws.nl was born, Polennieuws.nl’s aim is to bring you as much as possible independent and on a non-profit basis information about Poland and the mutual relations.
We provide daily news about and from Poland, Polish culture, Polish history, the Polish Government policy, the Polish sports, travel information for if you want to to Poland, business and news related to Poland and who our Polish brothers and sisters,we hope to see you this service to have proven.
The editors of Polennieuws.nl
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